Family Learning

MASA: Jewish Learning Journeys

Helping your family learn and grow together on your Jewish journey

A bold approach to Jewish Education in a redesigned program that goes beyond traditional Jewish Education and the School Model. We are proud to be using the Shalom Learning curriculum both in class and with online access.

  • To Build A Family Oriented Learning Experience
  • A Focus on Jewish Values, Jewish Ritual, Pride, Hebrew
    • An Opportunity to Feel Empowered as a member of the Jewish Community
    • To develop a sense of pride and connection to Judaism that will last for many years to come.
    • Helping Our Families Do Jewish on their own and as part of a community; To emphasize our Jewish commitment to improving the world (Tikkun Olam) through social action/social justice work.
  • Experience a community of other families on the same journey!
    • An opportunity for families to connect to one another, to learn together and to reflect on their learning.
    • Creating a meaningful community
  • A curriculum with Value Goals for Each Grade
    • A program that evolves and grows each year for your children.
    • In person class learning experiences with our special curriculum crafted specifically for each age and grade
    • Online access through your own portal for family and children for learning and reinforcing the program’s curriculum. Parents can monitor the substance to learn with their children and our students can prepare for their next class, or review material from a previous class. In addition access additional material, fun and learning opportunities
    • Individual meetings with our staff and our Rabbis.

K-3 Grades

Our philosophy is learning through play as we offer a stimulating environment for c children. Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge of their Jewish identity including hands-on activities to explore and engage with Jewish values and Holidays.

  • One Day a Week Class in Jewish Values – We will set up a schedule for Sunday on-site classes along with an additional day for Hebrew learning.
  • Varied Classes – It is long-established act that a reader will be distracted.
  • Online Access – All students and families have online access through our portal to the curriculum and additional learning opportunities and activities.

3-7 Grades

Exploration of Jewish values, taking responsibility for actions, honoring G-d’s image in ourselves using one’s own inner and out strengths; making the world a better place; seeking joy and being grateful; understanding the power of words; creating a calmer and more peaceful world; helping forge a Jewish identity with Pride; understanding anti-Semitism.