ScholarStream Series 5782 – A Partnership of the Conservative Movement


October 20, 2021    
8:00 pm


Following a successful launch of the ScholarStream program in 5781, the full year of ScholarStream learning in 5782 has been announced! Beginning in October and spanning all the way up to Shavuot, the Conservative Movement seminaries and institutions are partnering to offer eight series that will bring you face-to-face with the brightest and most engaging scholars the movement has to offer.

Click here to register for all the sessions.
Etz Hayim at HHB has become a partner in the series which will enable you to register at no cost. Watch for you Etz Hayim emails for the coupon code which will enable you to register at no cost.

PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU REGISTER FOR EACH SERIES THAT YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING. Registrants will receive the Zoom link for each series in a reminder email sent about a week before the start of each series, and again on the morning of each session. The deadline to register for a given session is 10 AM ET on the morning of the session.

Scholarstream 5782 features three distinct arcs of learning that stand alone or flow into each other. Cultivating Our Relationships (series 1 & 2), Defining Our Sacred Spaces (series 3, 4, and 5), and Renewing Our Resilience (series 6, 7, and 8) will offer an exploration of who we are, where we are in relation to others, and how we move forward in this complicated world.

All Sessions will be held on Wednesdays. Series 1-4 are on Wednesdays starting October 6 at 8 PM ET. Series 5-8 are on Wednesdays starting November 2 at 1 PM ET. All sessions will be recorded and made available to registrants.

Full descriptions for the first series on Torah Relationships, and the second series on Ethics are below. Descriptions can also be found on the ScholarStream website here.

Cultivating Our Relationships

Biblical stories can inform our understanding of our own relationships. The life lessons of our ancestors influence our personal, communal, and world values.

Series 1: Torah Relationships

  • October 6, 8PM ET

  • God, Abraham and Isaac: Who is the ‘Hero’ of the Akeidah? 

  • with Dr. Alan Cooper, JTS

  • October 13, 8PM ET

  • Gendered Gaps: Remembering Sarah Where She is Most Erased 

  • with Liza Bernstein, Conservative Yeshiva


  • October 20, 8PM ET

  • Loving Peace, One Person at a Time 

  • with Rabbi Bradley Artson, Ziegler


  • October 27, 8PM ET

  • The Dysfunctional Families of Genesis: What They — and Later Jewish Law — Tell Us About How *Not* to Treat Our Parents, Siblings, and Children 

  • with Rabbi Elliot Dorff, Ziegler


Series 2: Ethics


  • November 2, 1PM ET

  • Risking One’s Life to Save Another: Required or Forbidden by Jewish Law?

  • with Rabbi Prof. David Golinkin, Schechter 


  • November 9, 1PM ET

  • Can a Halakha be Immoral?

  • with Rabbi Avi Novis Deutsch, Schechter


  • November 16, 1PM ET

  • Moral Dilemmas in the Teachings of the Mei Hashiloah, Reb Mordechai Yosef Lainer of Ishbitza

  • with Rabbi Dr. Reb Mimi Feigelson, Schechter 


  • November 23, 1PM ET

  • “Leshon Hara” (Gossip and Slander): an age-old ethical challenge

  • with Rabbi Chaya Rowen Baker, Schechter 


Stay tuned! Descriptions for the third series on The Roots of Conservative Judaism starting on December 7, 2021 will be available soon. Themes will include an overview of the history of Conservative Judaism, including the historical and sociological factors that were key to creating the Conservative Movement.