Shabbat Hayyei-Sarah 5781

This week, we acknowledged the heroic service of our veterans, and while we weren’t able to have our usual Veterans’ Shabbat led by our Men’s Club, it was inspiring to see such love for veterans on social media. Thank you to everyone in our congregation who served, and may we have pride and loving memories of the deceased veterans in our lives.
This Shabbat, I’ll be connecting an anonymous Biblical hero to a contemporary Jewish leader whose name was known the world over. 
Another public event that didn’t happen was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s induction ceremony. HBO screened a pared-down ceremony last Saturday night, so I thought we could get inspired before Shabbat and honor some of the inductees here:
And as we prepare for Shabbat, let’s think of it as one of the great little gifts we have as children of Yitzhak and Rivkah, who meet in this week’s Torah portion. Click here for this beautiful song by Rami Kleinstein about the gift of Shabbat. The English translation is here
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom, and as always good health 
Rabbi David Wise