Sisterhood June 2019 News

As always, our Sisterhood is busy.  

After the very successful Kosher Chef and Making Our Own Tallitot programs that have rounded out our spring, we are now getting ready for Honey From The Heart and another year of inviting your membership.  Most important, we will be meeting during the summer to plan out our fall and winter, and we welcome your ideas and participation.  Watch for the announcement of meeting dates.

Meanwhile, special congratulations go to Linda Liederman, our Sisterhood’s Woman of Achievement, who will be honored at our region’s National Women’s League Women of Achievement Awards and Gala on June 13th.

Last, but far from least, all of us extend our gratitude to Shirley Heymann, who has brought us her skills and enthusiasm for planting trees in Israel through JNF.  Now you can just contact Shirley for any special occasion that needs commemorating.

Have a great summer, everybody!!