Do you ever ruminate on the reality that no matter how much you accumulate, you can’t take it with you?
Do you lay awake at night worrying?
If the answer to any or all of these questions is “yes,” then chapter two of Kohelet is perfect for you!
On the other hand, do you enjoy fine wine?
Do you think that you are deserving of the good things in life?
Do you get enjoyment from whatever wealth you’ve accumulated?
If the answer to any or all of these questions is “yes,” then chapter two of Kohelet is perfect for you!
Wait! How can one both person embrace both of these attitudes? Does the author of Kohelet suffer from a split personality disorder?
The scroll of Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, is read on Sukkot, and in our annual rotation through the text, we are on chapter two this year. On Shabbat morning, when we read this selection, we’ll also look carefully at the chapter, and try to make sense of its inherent contradictions.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and Moadim Lesimhah,