Shalom! Summer has finally arrived. The end of the year Sisterhood and Men’s Club Hoedown was a terrific evening. Everyone had a great time line dancing to the lively music of Savannah Sky. Tony’s delicious barbecue was a perfect accompaniment.
Very soon you will receive a flyer to order personalized jars of honey for family and friends. Maris Blechner is once again chairing the Honey from the Heart fundraiser.
There are still tickets left to see Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish with English supertitles at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. We have a bus to transport us.
Next year we have already started planning many exciting events. On Friday, September 28th, the Sisterhood will hold our first event, Dinner in the Sukkah. It will be nice to be together again after the summer hiatus. The Flutissimo Quartet will entertain us on Sunday, October 14th at 10 am for our paid-up Sisterhood membership breakfast. The group comes with a variety of flutes and demonstrates the various sounds and differences as they play for us.
The Annual Sisterhood Breast Cancer Walk is on October 21st. We thank Jaye Solomowitz for organizing this event once again. As Chanukah is really early this year, we are holding our annual Holiday Bazaar on November 4th. We have many new vendors interested this year. The annual Torah Fund Brunch is on November 18th. A special speaker is planned.
We are working on events for December, January, and February. Many members have asked to have the Maine Rebbetzin back to share more of her funny life stories. Many exciting ideas are being tossing around. We are in touch with an instructor for a Tallit-making workshop, and a Wine and Art evening. We are also discussing having a well-known chef cook for us.
Don’t forget to check out our gift shop run by Marilyn Seidenfeld.
Teamwork is the best approach to a successful Sisterhood. Please join us at our planning meetings, so we can continue to provide interesting information and fun programs for next year. When you receive your membership application. Please remember to send it in.
Have a great summer.