We know that the weather has been weird – but spring is truly almost here – and that means a great deal to Sisterhood.
We would love to have your help on Sunday morning February 25th at 10 am in the annex, as we put together a wonderful Israel-motif Purim “basket.” You get a bagel and coffee when you come to help. Please just let us know if you can make it, so that we have a bagel for you.
Wednesday evening February 28th we distribute our baskets after Megillah reading – and we can use your help then too.
In the months that follow, we will have our Women’s Seder, a specially-themed Sisterhood-sponsored Shabbat, and hopefully the return of the Maine Rebbetzen, who was such a success.
We will also be having our Challah bake again, and look forward to a square-dance evening with Men’s Club.
Details to follow. Be ready for meaningful time together, and lots of fun.