Shalom! Passover has passed over and spring has finally arrived. It is time to reflect on the wonderful past year our Sisterhood has had. We had fun at our membership brunch, with an exciting talk by our very own Maris Blechner. This was followed by our Torah Fund brunch where we honored Carol Lieber. Our first annual Chanukah Gift Shop and bazaar was a tremendous success. The trip to the Nassau County Museum of Art was beautiful and interesting. The Purim Project came off without a hitch. And our annual Woman’s Seder was fun, inspirational, and educational as always.
We are looking forward to our end of year event. On June 14th, at 8:00 PM, we will have a challah bake. We will learn step by step how to make a challah. Yum!
Please join us on Thursday, May 25th for our next planning meeting. At this important meeting, we will be planning a new direction for next year. We always look forward to new ideas and energy.
Thank you to all the women who have helped conceptualize and implement our programs.
Marilyn Teleky
Co-president of Sisterhood