Happy New Year! Sisterhood ended 2016 on a high note. We had a very successful Chanukah bazaar with over 20 vendors. There was a myriad of gifts at all prices for children and adults, and everyone came away with something special.
We are feverishly preparing for the next Sisterhood event, our Sisterhood Shabbat on Saturday, February 4th. Each year our members lead the service with a part which is comfortable for them. Rabbi Wise will provide instructions and support in Torah or Haftorah readings, while Cantor Zim will be available to assist those who want to participate in another part of the service. We also need volunteers to introduce the Torah and Haftorah portions. Please contact Marilyn Teleky or Lisa Azo with your desired role. As usual, a delicious Kiddush will follow.
We want to thank those women who bought their mah jongg cards through the Sisterhood. If you play mah jongg, please contact Ida Weisser to purchase cards through the Sisterhood.
In March, we will celebrate the joyous holiday of Purim. On Sunday, March 5th at 10 AM, volunteers are welcome to help put together a new and creative basket, and a little breakfast will be provided to energize us. Purim baskets will be given out on Saturday evening, March 11th after the Megillah reading.
We will continue our tradition of our Women’s Seder. This event is a social, as well as a learning, event. Watch for information and please join us.
Our April event is still in the planning stage and will be fun for all. In May, we are working on a joint Men’s Club – Sisterhood country western hoedown. More news will be forthcoming. Several additional events are in the planning stage, so stay tuned.
Our June 14th event will close out the year with a real challah bake. Don’t miss any of the fun. Stay tuned.
Please join us at our planning meetings on January 5th and February 2nd at 8 PM. We always appreciate your participation.
Marilyn Teleky
Lisa Azo