January 2015 marked the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz/Birkenau. It seems so far back, yet, in reality it is very recent. Around 300 survivors of the Nazi concentration/death camp returned to the horrific site in Poland to mark this special anniversary of their liberation. Many of them came wearing some form of the notorious stripes of their death camp uniforms. They made them into scarves or sashes with some putting their prisoner numbers on the cloth. Several world leaders attended the ceremonies as did prominent activists, such as the director Steven Spielberg. Many representatives from the World Jewish Congress attended, headed by Ronald S. Lauder.
I watched the ceremonies on JLTV (Jewish Life TV) and was so incredibly touched by the extraordinary strength & courage of the survivors to not only be there but to speak about their experiences and their very serious concerns about the current anti-Semitism and terrorist activities going on throughout the world. They are adamant when they say NEVER AGAIN and NEVER FORGET. After all, they are worried that when they are no longer here and able to testify and bear witness, the world will forget. NEVER FORGET is their request to all of us. We must continue teaching our children and our grandchildren, we must continue the dialogue with our neighbors, community members and friends and we must make sure that schools always include Holocaust studies in their curriculum. This is how we can honor those who perished in the Shoah as well as those who survived and this is how we can ensure it does not happen again!
We must also do whatever we can to make sure that Jewish Culture, Jewish Life, Jewish Tradition, Jewish communities, Synagogues, Organizations & Schools flourish and remain strong and vibrant for generations to come. AM YISRAEL CHAI – NEVER FORGET – NEVER AGAIN!
I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone…OUR GALA CONCERT WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 at 3:00 PM. CONTACT THE SYNAGOGUE OFFICE to RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOW !!
Join me and my esteemed colleagues and friends of the Cantors Assembly on a MUSICAL JOURNEY.
See you in Shul.
Cantorially always,
Cantor Sol Zim