Sisterhood News December 2014



Sisterhood is now in full gear. On October 19th, Jaye Solomowitz led the HHJC  Sisterhood Pink Ladies in our Walk against Breast Cancer at Jones Beach. We had fun, walked for the cause and raised over $800. Jaye created our donation page for Strides Against Breast Cancer and donations can be made directly on that page or by check made out to Strides Against Breast Cancer throughout December. Thanks for your hard work, Jaye. On November, 16th, we were thrilled to honor Maris Blechner at our Torah Fund Brunch. Maris is a dedicated hard worker and a true “giver”. The brunch was a great success. We had a wonderful speaker from the Jewish Theological Seminary and as usual the brunch was delicious and plentiful. It was great to have the opportunity to publicly celebrate Maris for her work.

We have recently restocked our Sisterhood gift shop with many beautiful items for the year round as well as things specifically related to Hanukkah. There are games, toys and ritual objects specifically for the children in your families. You can buy items at any time and there will be a specific pre-Hanukkah Sale on Sunday, December 7th and 14th. Come check out our merchandise before considering shopping elsewhere.

One of our most fulfilling and exciting events of the year is Sisterhood Shabbat, when our members lead the Shabbat services from beginning to end. This year Sisterhood Shabbat will take place on January 17th. We have a sign up sheet for all parts from opening an ark to having an Aliya to the Torah, from reading a poem in English to chanting from the Torah in Hebrew. Please volunteer for any role by contacting Beth Diker, Audrey Shepard, or Carol Leiber. As usual, a scrumptious Kiddush Lunch will follow the services.

At the beginning of March, we will prepare for Purim by assembling and then distributing Shalach Manot. We will assemble the “goodies” on Sunday, March1st and distribute them on Purim, March 4th. Come join us in helping make everybody’s Purim a happy one.  On March 29th, we will be holding our annual Women’s Seder. Since its inception, our Women’s Seder has been inspirational, fun and educational.

For those who want to become more involved and want to be sure that programming is exciting, please feel free to come to our planning meetings. We will be meeting in Menchel Hall on December 7th, January 11th, February 8th, March 1st, April 26th, May 3rd and June 3rd. For those dates that fall on Sundays, the meetings are at 10 AM and on Wednesdays; the meetings will begin at 8 PM.

Thanks to all who have already sent in their dues.  If you have not already done so, please send your Sisterhood dues to the office c/o Sisterhood. The Sisterhood of HHJC is a vibrant organization within the synagogue that sponsors a variety of activities that combine social, cultural, charitable and educational aspects of Jewish life.  Our members make us strong, our events are fun and your participation makes us run.

Beth Diker,  Sisterhood Co-President