This Yom Kippur is the 40th anniversary of one of the most anxious days in recent Jewish history–the day Egypt and Syria launched coordinated attacks on the State of Israel, beginning the Yom Kippur War. I will be reflecting on that event and its impact on Israel Friday evening after Kol Nidre.
As part of my dvar-Torah, I will be exploring a song composed about that war more than two decades after its end. It’s calledHoref Shiv’im veShalosh–Winter of ’73. You can find the words in transliteration and English translation here.
You can also hear an original recording of the song, performed by IDF musicians, set to this slideshow and subtitled in English.
As you watch the video, ask yourself if the tone of the images is an accurate reflection of the songwriter’s intent. How, or how not, do the images match with the words?
Wishing you Shabbat Shalom and a Gemar Hatimah Tovah.May we all be inscribed for a year of health and meaning in 5774.
Rabbi David Wise